PhD. Özkan Ufuk Nalbantoğlu


After graduating from Boğaziçi University Electrical and Electronics Department in 2004, he started his doctorate at America-Nebraska-Lincoln University in the same year. After completing his doctoral thesis, Computational Genomic Signatures And Metagenomics, he worked as a post-doc and then assistant-prof at the same university. He worked as an executive/researcher in projects supported by NHI, NSF, ARGON, Defense Threat Reduction Agency (DTRA). He developed software for the taxonomic analysis of the world microbiome project organized by ARGON. He served as a consultant in ongoing biology-based forensic cases in America. Dr. Özkan Ufuk Nalbantoğlu has international and national patents. He works as a bioinformatics team leader in national and international projects. He is currently manages the bioinformatics process of ENBIOSIS Biotechnology.

Dr. Özkan Ufuk Nalbantoğlu has international and national patents. He works as a bioinformatics team leader in national and international projects. He is currently manages the bioinformatics process of ENBIOSIS Biotechnology.